Kinetrol Vane Actuators

Kinetrol Vane Actuators

Kinetrol manufactures the most comprehensive range of high performance pneumatic double-acting and spring-return rotary vane actuators in the world.

In addition, Kinetrol also manufactures a full range of positioners, limit switch boxes, fail-safe and fire fail-safe spring units, I to P transducers, spring-to-center 90° and 180° actuators, gearboxes and other engineered products from foundry to finished goods in our own ISO 9001-2008 certified factories.

Kinetrol is the inventor of the quarter turn pneumatic vane actuator and manufactures 16 sizes with torque outputs ranging from 8 lb inches to 168,000 lb inches when supplied with 100 psig.

Kinetrol’s exclusive direct-mount modular concept eliminates expensive and unnecessary tubing, fittings, brackets and couplings, which provides virtually hysteresis-free and extremely compact, automated assemblies. Unlike cylinder actuators, Kinetrol’s one piece vane and shaft design move as one resulting in extremely precise modulating and on/off control. Kinetrol actuators use double opposed polyurethane lip seals instead of O-ring seals typically used in quarter turn actuators. Kinetrol’s lip seal design isolates the shaft seal from plant air pressure and also acts as wiper for any foreign material which dramatically extends the service life of these actuators in all applications.

Knock off and copy attempts have come and gone over Kinetrol’s 60 plus year history, but none have come close to Kinetrol’s stellar track record of quality and reliability. Truth is in the performance and Kinetrol actuators have developed the reputation as the most reliable severe service, high cycle actuators the world over since 1958.

Kinetrol USA

Kinetrol Vane Actuators Lower Cost of Filter Operation at Power Plant

A Monoscour® filter is a heavy duty, high-rate, gravity filter. It is designed for filtering high turbidity media and sticky particulates, and is commonly used in polymer chemical treatment, cooling tower side-stream filtration, and industrial wastewater filtering. This kind of filter is designed to be fully automatic and includes all piping and valves needed to change from filter mode to cleaning mode. Inexpensive rack and pinion actuators are installed as OEM components to divert flow between cycles. The actuators are mounted on 4" lug style butterfly valves.

A Midwestern power plant was experiencing failures with their filter's OEM rack and pinion actuators. The actuator cycle rate was moderate-to-high, approximately (1) cycle per hour, continuous.

While the cost of rack and pinion actuator replacement was relatively low, the cost of filter downtime and labor was very high for the utility. As part of an ongoing, long term cost savings effort, a more reliable and robust solution was required.

The local Kinetrol Distributor Salesperson was called in and immediately saw that replacing the rack and pinion actuators with Kinetrol vane actuators was the answer. Based on the countless applications around the world, where Kinetrol actuators perform reliably in the most challenging circumstances, this particular application was comparatively easy and straightforward.

The new Kinetrol actuators were retro-fitted to the existing valves with new mounting hardware and have been operating flawlessly for over a year now. Its expected the valves will wear out long before the actuators ever need service.

For more information about using Kinetrol vane actuators on filtration towers, contact Kinetrol USA by visiting or by calling 972-447-9443.

Monoscour® is a registered trademark of Graver Water Systems.